Wasps & Hornet Control

Wasps (vespula vulgaris)

Common Wasps (vespula vulgaris)

The first queen will emerge from hibernation around mid April and search for her new nest site. In her initial chamber which will be the size of a golf ball she will lay 10 to 20 eggs. These will become her first workers (all sterile females) They will preform the task of collecting food (insects and spiders) and expanding size of nest. By late summer the nest can contain 3,000 to 5,000 wasps. It is later in the season when the wasps are after more sweeter food stuffs and become a real nuisance. 

Wasps can inflict a nasty sting the chances of them stinging is increased when the weather gets colder and they are eating fermented fruit.

Wasps like to build there nests in loft spaces, cavity walls and behind cladding and flower beds. Wasps make there nests out of chewed bark and dried timber mixed with saliva.


Tree Wasps

Tree Wasps (dolichovespula sylvestris)

Norwegian Wasp (dolichovespula norwegica)

These two species of tree wasp are very similar to look at, they both occur in England with the Norwegian Wasp being more dominant in Scotland. Tree Wasps are more aggressive than common wasps and are slightly smaller. They build there nests in trees and bushes and rarely enter buildings.

Saxon Wasp and Median wasp

Saxon wasp (doolichovespula saxonica)
Median Wasp (dolichovespula media)

These wasps are more common on continent but we have had reports of this wasp in this country since the 1980”s. They usually build exposed nests in bushes but have ben known to build in eaves of houses and inside garages. Some workers of the Median Wasp maybe almost black in colour with very little yellow.

Hornets (vespa crabo)

 Hornets(vespa crabo)

The Hornet is larger than the common wasp and can be between 19-35 mm in length and has yellow and brown bands. Despite it’s large size the hornet is not particularly aggressive. The hornet is relatively uncommon.

Wasp Nest Treatment

Wyre Forest Pest Control are experts in treating/controlling wasp and hornet nests.

Wyre Forest Pest Control guarantees all treatments, we offer a professional service with a quick response.

Please phone to arrange your survey or for expert advice, 01562 747210 or 07890048362.